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Walker Aggregates
P.O. Box 100
Thorold, ON
L2E 6S4

Phone: 1-844-907-3731

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Project Team

We have a dedicated group of employees working on the Upper’s Quarry proposal. These individuals engage the expertise of our colleagues including operations, environmental performance, and health and safety, as well as independent experts.

Photo of Project Manager Kevin KehlKevin Kehl
Project Manager

Kevin is the Project Manager for Walker Aggregates and the lead on the Upper’s Quarry Proposal Project. He has been with Walker since 2010 and is currently responsible for the company’s license amendments through Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) as well as new quarry applications.

Kevin holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Environmental Management and has over 12 years experience working in the environmental and land use planning fields. Prior to his current role, Kevin managed the Environmental Performance department for Walker Industries, giving him a strong understanding of natural environment protection and responsible resource management. He has worked on a variety of green energy, landfill and quarry projects.

Ryan Wall
Executive Vice President, Aggregates & Construction
Project Team Advisor

Ryan has been a key player at Walker since 2008 as a General Manager and has been promoted to the Executive Vice President of the Aggregates & Construction division in 2022. He will act as Project Team Advisor throughout the proposed Upper’s Quarry application process.

Ryan has 25 years of experience in the aggregates industry and serves as the President of the Ontario Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (OSSGA).

Chris Breen
Vice President, Government and Community Relations
Project Team Advisor

Chris joined Walker in 2023, bringing vast experience from the natural resources sector. He will be responsible for Walker’s engagement with the community and its four levels of government throughout the proposed Upper’s Quarry application process. Chris has spent 30 years bridging communities, governments and industry, primarily focused upon expanding sustainable, critical infrastructure.