Contact Us

Walker Aggregates
P.O. Box 100
Thorold, ON
L2E 6S4

Phone: 1-844-907-3731

Privacy Policy

The Process

Approval for a new pit or quarry in Ontario typically takes several years. Numerous studies are conducted to ensure the location is suitable and that it will have no unacceptable impact on nearby neighbours, the environment, air quality, water quantity and quality, and local traffic flow.

The proposed quarry must conform with dozens of regulations at the provincial, regional and municipal levels. A number of regulatory and environmental agencies are invited to provide comments, and will be requested to issue the necessary permits and approvals.

Beginning the Process

  • In order to proceed with a proposed quarry there are numerous conditions that must be satisfied. These include meeting provincial, regional and government regulations and ensuring there are no environmental impacts that cannot be satisfactorily mitigated.
  • Walker’s consultants have conducted a variety of studies including those relating to hydrogeology, the natural environment and cultural heritage as well as potential impacts to things such as air quality, traffic, noise and the local agricultural environment.
  • The small watercourse that bisects the property as well as any wetlands have been studied in consultation with Federal, Provincial and Local authorities such as the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, the Ministry of the Environment, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. A determination will be made as to whether these naturalized areas can be relocated elsewhere on the site.
  • Walker will be seeking an Official Plan amendment from the Niagara Region, and an Official Plan amendment and zoning by-law change from the City of Niagara Falls as part of the application process.
  • The company will be consulting extensively with stakeholders including the local community, Indigenous communities, local politicians, regulators, commenting agencies and nearby businesses throughout the applications process and beyond.

Studies to be Conducted

Throughout the approval process, we will conduct a wide range of scientific and technical studies at the proposed site to understand how to design and operate the proposed quarry in a way that effectively manages potential effects and optimizes any benefits to the surrounding area.

Results of these studies will be posted regularly in the Documents section of our website.

  • Archaeological Assessment
  • Hydrogeological (Water) Assessment
  • Natural Environment Assessment
  • Agricultural Impact Assessment
  • Air Quality Study
  • Traffic Study
  • Blasting Impact Assessment
  • Planning Justification Report and Aggregate Resources Act Site Plans
  • Cultural Heritage Assessment
  • Visual Impact Assessment

Stakeholders & Regulatory Bodies to be Engaged

The following groups are among those who will receive information about the proposed quarry and be invited to participate in open dialogue throughout the application process:

  • Indigenous communities
  • Regional and local politicians
  • Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority
  • Neighbours of the site
  • Nearby businesses
  • Provincial & federal regulatory agencies

Keeping You Involved

We believe in transparency and keeping our neighbours and the Niagara community informed of our activities and decisions. We will share our study results and up-to-date developments through this website, in addition to letters, newsletters, newspaper notifications, and meetings where we can meet with you personally to understand your point of view. You can subscribe to our email list to be informed when new documents and updates are posted.

When we inform you of our plans, we carefully consider your opinions and ideas. By hearing what you think, we are able to understand what is important to our neighbours and our community, and we can work together to make potential benefits a reality.

Please Contact Us or fill out our Feedback Form to send us your questions, comments or ideas.